Sunday 4 November 2012

God and Fashion by Ngugi

What God does if you seek him and trust in his name. God is only moved by those who trust in his name. Even when things are not working for you, his plans are the same and he will come through a the right time. I have seen God walk on water. At a time im trusting God for something, He is busy planning on a big door for me. When God opens doors no men can close them.

I took a career that i was passionate about and i have recieved mixed feelings and discouragements from family, friends, church members and the haters, but i refused to be moved coz i decided to follow my passion. Fashion is what God called me for, to bring change in the fashion world. I took it with a strong  heart and refused to be discouraged by those who don't believe in me.

A few weeks ago, i got a call from Bigfoot Entertainment based in Hong Kong and they had shortlisted me for the Style Wars reality show. I was shocked and excited coz i ddnt see it comin since i wasn'tpraying for that. The call didnt mean i was selected coz i still had to do an interview with the director. I did the interview with her after afew days and i had to wait for a week to get the feedback. After days of prayer and meditating, i got an email that i had made it for the competition. I was over the moon, excited and gratiful. I knew it was only God and nothing else coz it was too good to be true. Got my tickets and everything and i left for Cebu in the Philippines. God just opened a wide door for me to hit hard on my fashio level. On my way to Cebu i  slept in Dubai and Hong kong so i got an opportunity to travel and see some countrieswhich was awesome.

Got to Cebu and the people are nice and friendly. Fashion One gives us celebrity treatment, its like we are at a vacation and just having fun. Its exciting working with a big studio with a team production experts. I just love this door coz i get to learn from other stylist from Europe and America, experience with a big production team and exposure on Fashion One viewed in Europe, Asia and America.

I am making the best of this opportuity. Praise the Lord for this. Seek him and he will work his purpose.
Style is a personal thing. Its what defines you.#ChurchSwag

Style is a personal thing. Its what defines you.#ChurchSwag