Thursday 30 August 2012

Menswear Elegance

There are basics that a man should own. And those basics can be mixed and matched to make you look fabulous everyday.

You could have the most expensive suit on the market, but if it doesn't fit properly, you're going to look like a farmer. A suit sould beneither too tight nor too loose, it should gently hug the body,but not restrict you in any way.It's no coincidence that suit is called a suit-it should suit you. The suit is the most important set of clothing in a man's wardrobe, and should be worn proudly- and regularly.The ryt suit has the ability to transcend mere dressing.

If you don't have a tuxedo in your wardrobe then you have to buy one coz everyman needs at least one even if you only wear one once a year. Remember, your tuxedo should fit like a suit.Owning a tuxedo is the mark of a true gentleman.You shouldn't be renting clothing at this point in your life.

Clothing is the outward expression of the inner person. It's important to dress in a way that send the right message but also looks effortless and natural. Wearing clothing that is inappropriate to your inner character isthe biggest mistake aman can make in terms of fashion. Men have to have the courage to be sexy, to be attractive. Sometimes men hide themselves. I guess they 're afraid that they can't be sexy becoz they're men. #ChurchSwag

How to be an Elegant lady

'There is no key to good dressing! If there were it would be too easy, rich women could buy the key and all their fashion worries would be over! But simplicity, grooming and good taste - the three fundamentals of fashion - cannot be bought. But they can be learnt, by rich and poor alike.'
 I had a memorable time styling Ms Diana who is in the pic below. She is naturally born with the style intinct in her but she just needed abit of touch up on stylish looks. During our session we revealed that an elegant woman is built from the heart and then the outside will reflect. Right style,cuts,colours, quality clothes and consistency make an elegant look. After the session Ms Diana learnt that to be good looking you need to be a timeless elegant woman.
An timeless, elegant woman is always
                                                                                                                    I.        Clean
                                                                                                                    II.        Neat
                                                   III.        Graceful in appearance. You'll always notice her before her dress.
                                                                                              IV.        Wearing quality clothes.
Diana  July 2012
                      V.        Has a pleasant appearance and expression. She gives you nothing to question or frown about.
                                                              VI.        She also dresses appropriately, according to occasion.
Style is a personal thing. Its what defines you.#ChurchSwag

Working with Zim's finest artist of the Moment

When i first met Nox i was kinda of humble by his approachability. He is a very smooth guy who loves his beer kikiki. I met him at his house and we had a good one 2 one conversation about his music and where he wants to take it. I saw an ambitious and vicious entertainer and i wouldn't be surprised if he becomes international and the most well-known artist from Zimbabwe. In Nox, there is more than an artist, there is an entrepenuer and thats made me more comfortable working with him. I like associating with people with a vision not just a talent and thats what Nox has.

I also got the opportunity of checking out his new studio and sampling his yet to be released singles. I must say Nox is the next big thing to come out of Zimbabwe. I see his vision, ambition and i see the light shining upon him soon. Zimbabwe embrace yourself for this guy.

Iam officially styling the big man. The easy thing about styling Nox is that he knows the image he wants to portray so my job is just implementing his vision. We are working on revamping the old Nox and building the Nox who will be unique and outstanding in his brand. Iam not going to say much but im sure his fans know whats happening, and ladies watch out coz the sizzling Nox is coming.Styling Nox is an entry point for me in the Zim fashion ad Entertainment world- hoping to work with many more Zim artists. My mission is to help Zim artists to be recognised locally and internationally (Celebrities) and to achieve their goals through image and dress. I basically want the Zim Entertainment to grow and be respected  and recognised not only in Africa but in the World. God has sent me for such reason which is my purpose and i will achieve it. My nation will not be sidelined and ignored but it will become a fashion and entertainment hub where trends are dictated.

Watch the space on Nox the big gun in Zim music.

Why do you need a stylist?

You know that it takes 5 secs to form a 1st impression of someone you meeting for the first time?Do you understand how your IMAGE can either make you or break you.This is the reason why I saw the importance to specialize in Styling and Corporate Image.Most men & women are guilty of simple mistakes when it comes to their fashion choices and with my expertise, I show my clients how to make the right fashion choices by finding the right style for them through interpreting their fashion choices which are determined by fashion history, fashion icons, body shape, size, utility and budget.
My aim is to add value, save you money by showing you what works for you and save you time so you can focus on business while I take care of your wardrobe needs without you ever leaving your house.
My goal is to advice my clients with ideas to AFFIRM / REINFORCE / ENHANCE your image and never to TRANSFORM them.
My clients includes CEO's, Entrepreneurs, Top executives and any man who'd rather spend time in on business then worry about what to wear to work or to a black tie event.#Velly Image & Style

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Dressed wedding

Dressed her for a casual party.

On this image i particularly enjoyed playing with colours. I took the lovely navy levi jeans and teamed the up with green leather jacket. I could have paired it with a white tank top but because it was an evening party, i opted for a black tank top instead. So i bascially played with 3 solid colors and it did work out.#ChurchSwag

Styled for a diner dance

Styled for a diner dance. Everyone was going for a ball gown and it was going to be boring for my client to wear the same. So we opted for short one- arm dress. She looked fabulous with the hair dropping down to the neck.#ChurchSwag

Don't try too hard

Strive for being stylish rather than fashionable and remember that the most important person to dress for is you. There is elegance in just wearing a vintage or normal pencil skirt and chiffon blouse with matching and contrasting accessories,bag and heels. Being stylish is not about trying to be sophisticated in dress no, stylish is simplicity that becomes sophistication in appeal.#ChurchSwag

Dressed my friend, socialite and presenter Ms CK for a red carpet function. The  idea was to have unique red carpet colors so that the attraction would be on her. So we paired the beautiful floral boobtube dress with fabulous pair of gold heels and a black clutch. Then iced it up with a bit of accessories on the wrist and earings. She was just elegant and the cameramens were on her the whole night.#ChurchSwag

All together Now

When you're dressing make sure that you consider the whole look. Your jacket, shirt/blouse,tie,pants,shoes and make-up might be great pieces but do they work together? Stylish dressing isabout creating an overall effect.#ChurchSwag

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Dress like the man with authourity

Dress as a victor, not as a victim. #Velly Image & Style
Luv,peace n happiness

How to buy jeans

When you're in the dressing room, be sure to check out your bum in the mirror. Too saggy is no good. while you do have some wiggle room in the fit department, the jeans shouldn't hang down below your underwear. you're probably going to wear denim with a blouser with a blazer or a tanktop - not a ramones t-shirt - so be practical.#Velly Image & Style