Thursday 30 August 2012

How to be an Elegant lady

'There is no key to good dressing! If there were it would be too easy, rich women could buy the key and all their fashion worries would be over! But simplicity, grooming and good taste - the three fundamentals of fashion - cannot be bought. But they can be learnt, by rich and poor alike.'
 I had a memorable time styling Ms Diana who is in the pic below. She is naturally born with the style intinct in her but she just needed abit of touch up on stylish looks. During our session we revealed that an elegant woman is built from the heart and then the outside will reflect. Right style,cuts,colours, quality clothes and consistency make an elegant look. After the session Ms Diana learnt that to be good looking you need to be a timeless elegant woman.
An timeless, elegant woman is always
                                                                                                                    I.        Clean
                                                                                                                    II.        Neat
                                                   III.        Graceful in appearance. You'll always notice her before her dress.
                                                                                              IV.        Wearing quality clothes.
Diana  July 2012
                      V.        Has a pleasant appearance and expression. She gives you nothing to question or frown about.
                                                              VI.        She also dresses appropriately, according to occasion.
Style is a personal thing. Its what defines you.#ChurchSwag

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STYLE IS EMPOWERING. Its what defines you and enhances your career, lifestyle and goals for success.#Vellyvokal #Velly Image & Style